
OSHA National Emphasis Program for Heat

On April 8 2022, OSHA launched a National Emphasis Program for Heat Related Illness and Injury.  This NEP requires each OSHA region to increase the number of heat inspections by 100 percent over the past five-year average.  OSHA will target workplaces in more than 70 industries at high risk for heat exposure, including agriculture, warehouses [...]

By |2022-06-13T14:49:02-05:00June 14th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on OSHA National Emphasis Program for Heat

Johnny Anderson

Message from Kody Bessent - CEO of Plains Cotton Growers, Inc. It is with great sadness that I pass along news that Johnny Anderson who served Plains Cotton Growers for over 31 years as the Director of Field Services until his retirement in 2017 unfortunately passed away yesterday evening. Please keep Johnny’s family in your [...]

By |2022-05-27T09:21:36-05:00May 27th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Johnny Anderson


WE PLAN TO COMPILE AND RELEASE THE COST DATA INFORMATION IN MAY.  PLEASE COMPLETE THIS COST SURVEY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.   The USDA and NCGA developed an electronic version of the Gin Cost Survey.  We would very much appreciate your participation in this survey.  It will make the results more accurate and meaningful.  The gin’s [...]

By |2022-04-26T08:58:36-05:00April 26th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on LAST CHANCE – NCGA Cost Survey

TCGA Member Has Big Win in Module Truck Case at Supreme Court

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court of Texas handed PPF Gin & Warehouse, LLC a big win by denying Delta County Appraisal District's petition for Review.  In this case, the Court of Appeals had essentially ruled that module trucks cannot be included as taxable property in the Appraisal District's valuation.  The basis of this ruling [...]

By |2022-04-18T11:01:22-05:00April 18th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on TCGA Member Has Big Win in Module Truck Case at Supreme Court

ARS Ginning Labs Hosting Remaining Ginner Schools

Posting below is from Harrison Ashley with NCGA:  USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) has announced that with COVID numbers continuing to fall, the ARS ginning laboratories in Las Cruces, NM, and Stoneville, MS, can host the remaining 2022 ginner schools. Ginners, gin managers and superintendents are urged to register for the Western Ginners School on [...]

By |2022-04-08T10:34:55-05:00April 8th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on ARS Ginning Labs Hosting Remaining Ginner Schools

NCGA Cost Survey

PLEASE COMPLETE THE NCGA COST SURVEYS.  THIS INFORMATION WILL REPLACE THE TCGA COST SURVEYS DONE IN PAST YEARS.  The USDA and NCGA developed an electronic version of the Gin Cost Survey.  We plan to replace the normal TCGA Cost Survey with this version and then retrieve the Texas Gin information as needed.  We would very [...]

By |2022-04-06T09:27:15-05:00April 6th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on NCGA Cost Survey

Ginners’ Labor Guide Updated

Since 1997, the TCGA, in conjunction with the National Cotton Ginners' Association and other Regional Associations, have maintained a publication called "A Ginner's Practical Guide to Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSPA).   This guide was originally developed in conjunction with the US Department [...]

By |2022-03-25T11:01:28-05:00March 25th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Ginners’ Labor Guide Updated

Site Specific OSHA 300 Inspections

As we mentioned in an earlier posting this month, the Department of Labor visited at least one cotton gin under a site-specific targeting program inspection.  The OSHA inspector was given a listing of facilities and asked to look at OSHA 300 and 300A forms and the DART rate for those companies. A specific issue came [...]

By |2022-03-23T11:37:43-05:00March 23rd, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Site Specific OSHA 300 Inspections

Roy V. Baker, Jr. – 10/09/1938 – 03/16/2022

It is with deep regret that we inform you all that Roy Baker has passed away.   Here is his obituary: The family of Roy Baker will celebrate his life of 83 years at 10:00 AM on Thursday, March 24, 2022, at the Lake Ridge Chapel and Memorial Designers. His family will host a time of [...]

By |2022-03-21T08:45:55-05:00March 21st, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Roy V. Baker, Jr. – 10/09/1938 – 03/16/2022

OSHA Hits Gins under Site Specific Targeting Program

At least one cotton gin in Texas has been inspected by OSHA this month under a Site-Specific Targeting inspection plan.  For these types of inspections, the OSHA inspector is given a list of companies to inspect.  They are specifically looking at the companies' OSHA 300 and 300A forms, and the DART rate for those companies. [...]

By |2022-03-09T13:51:56-06:00March 9th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on OSHA Hits Gins under Site Specific Targeting Program
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