As the year ends, time is rapidly running out for passage of an economic assistance package in Washington. The National Cotton Council is requesting all of our help right away. Please take a moment to review the information below and to contact your congressman.
The National Cotton Council urges all members to contact their Congressman and Senators to let them know how vital it is that cotton producers receive emergency economic assistance to help them cope with 2024 financial losses. Representative Trent Kelly’s FARM Act is a model that Congress should follow to provide the level of assistance that’s needed. In addition, please stress in your outreach that 1) this assistance is needed before the end of this calendar year, and 2) that if such assistance is not received, many producers will not be able to secure the financing they need to continue farming into the future.
Thanks to those of you who have already reached out to your House member and Senators in recent weeks – that outreach has been very helpful in building the momentum necessary to achieve support. But even if you have already contacted your representatives, we encourage you to do so again. Congress is making its final push this week and next to put together a relief package, making this is the critical time to hammer home our message. Quite simply, the more Members of Congress hear from us, the better – THERE IS NO DOWNSIDE TO REPEATING THE PITCH.
Contact information for your House member and Senators can be found at
Thank you for your continued support in this effort.