REMINDER – Please take some time and fill out the new NCGA gin cost survey

The USDA and NCGA developed an electronic version of the Gin Cost Survey.  We plan to replace the normal TCGA Cost Survey with this version and then retrieve the Texas Gin information as needed.  We would very much appreciate your participation in this survey.  It will make the results more accurate and meaningful.

The survey will not only allow ginners to track gin’s variable cost but also will allow gins to compare their individual gin to other gins in the region.  Additionally, there are a number of charts and graphs, using historical data, that can be generated.  The electronic survey will allow for the annual input of the gin’s data and will even allow gins to include their own past years’ data.  The gin’s data is strictly confidential, and the data will be shown only in aggregate.  Ginning cost and the ability for the industry to track these costs are extremely important.

Access the survey at the following link –  Home – Gin Survey (